Archive for the ‘sanskrit’ Category

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat speech – what it implied and what is the message sent to all Indians?

June 5, 2023

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat speech – what it implied and what is the message sent to all Indians?

What RSS or BJP has done for the Hindu religion politically?: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Thursday 01-06-2023 said instead of showing our strength to the enemies on the country’s borders, we are fighting among ourselves[1].  Every citizen of India should make efforts for enhancing the country’s unity and integrity, he said, speaking at the valediction ceremony of the `Sangh Shiksha Varg’ (officers’ training camp for RSS cadres) here in Nagpur[2]. Thus, his speech translated into English has been cryptic, couched and embedded with a message to the trainers who attended the programme there. In recent times, for conservatives, traditionalists and moderates, there has been a strong feeling that under the guise of “Hindutwa,” “BJP-Hinduism,” and such other expressions and political activism, the Hindu religion is diluted and even sacrificed for the political end. Hindus have started a fear that even BJP or RSS have been trying to exploit them using the “Hindu” card, but only capturing power, because, in reality, the Hindus of India have not gained anything. Economically and politically, they have been losing much on many accounts.  

Has India really benefited from the vaccine diplomacy by rupee-dollar parity?: He pointed out that India did well among all countries during the global economic crisis and later the COVID-19 pandemic, he said[3], adding that India has got the G20 presidency this year and “this pride can be felt.” That India has been diplomatically winning the hearts of many global countries and also helping them in a unique way. The vaccine diplomacy has worked well, but, the dollar price has been increasing and the Indian economy has not been favourable to the Indians. Middle class, Lower Middle class and the poor Indians have been suffering only. While the salaried Indians are fleeced with taxes, the poor Indians are not getting back for their hard work. They just work, earn salaries, consume for their requirements, pay taxes and again go for work. Thus, the cycle continues.

Have Hindus gained or lost during the last 75 years?: He explained that, “There are several schisms related to religion and creed in our society, Bhagwat said[4]. Yes, Judaism, Persian, Mohammedanism, Islam, Christianity and other faiths might have entered India during the course of time. But, the Indians with all the different faiths are one only by all other factors. The Mohammedans and Christians have still been controlling and ruling 80% of Hindus. Though, the politicians have been Hindus or having Hindu names, they have been secularists or anti-Hindus working against the interests of Hindus. While such anti-Hindu forces work openly in the states of Tamilnadu, Kerala, Punjab, north-eastern states etc., they operate stealthily under the secularists in other states. How billions of temple properties are looted by these groups has been revealed through many-many Supreme and High court judgments. They are not reviewed, appealed against, but allowed to die a natural death.

Can Indians be united to fight the enemies on the borders?: “We are not showing our strength to the enemies sitting on the border, but we are fighting among ourselves[5], by telling this, he cautioned that Indians should take care of the border conflicts, aggression across the borders and other intrusions, only by supporting the Indian Government and not supporting to the foreign and imported ideologies. It is well known, being Indians, many ideologists, politically, religiously and other affiliations have been supporting the foreign forces, that is not acceptable. If such foreign-affiliated ideologists are analyzed, they are found to be Hindus only mostly. How then, “Hindus” could have been involved in such antinational, anti-India activities? It is unbelievable that “Hindus” could have been smugglers, criminals, tax evaders, bringing shame to Indian society and destroying Indian culture, tradition, heritage and civilization.

How and why the above 60 Hindus and staunch ideologists are ignored by RSS and BJP?: “We are forgetting that we are one country,” the Sangh chief said[6]. “Everyone should make efforts for (enhancing) India’s unity and integrity[7]. And if there are any shortcomings, we must all work on them,” he added[8]. Here, for each line, one page explanation can be given. Of course, political power, postings, money, comforts, luxurious life and other factors have corrupted BJP and RSS too. Many newcomers of the last 20-30 years have been questioning the 40-60 years of experienced people. Neglecting, and ignoring above 60 has been the hallmark of such new groups created and formed. They want to exploit, extract and such what they want from the old people, but, they do not care for them. Many new people, ideologists and money-making agents have infiltrated and they have been spoiling the Hindu spirit and spirituality also.

Indians should work for the unity and integrity of India: In no other country, citizens of a country talks ill of his / her own country. Or spreads negative aspects forgetting that they are also responsible for such negativity. They should ask themselves, what positive things they have done or contributed to the country during their life time. Economically, socially, politically or in any other manner, what they have contributed to our country during the 75 years. The regional political parties have been encouraged under the guise of encouraging the geographical identity, coupled with language. Thus, states have been formed based on language, but, now, that has been proved wrong, as Telugu-speaking Indians have two states. Of course, Punjabi and Bengali speaking Indians  have been divided into two Indian states and separate countries also. Here, religion, language could not unite the people together. Therefore, Indians should work for the unity and integrity of India.

India is safe for Islam and Muslims: Some religions were from outside India, and “we had wars with them,” Bhagwat said. “But the outsiders have gone. Now everyone is an insider. Still, there are people here under the influence (of outsiders) and they are our people…this has to be understood. That is just because they have been the believers of such imported or imposed religions, they think that they have been superior, they have been the progeny of the past-rulers and therefore, they are destined to rule again and therefore, all Indians are their subjects, slaves or otherwise. One day or the other day, they would again rule the country and all would become their subjects. So he warned again, “If there is any shortcoming in their thinking, then reforming (them) is our responsibility[9]. “Outsiders have gone, but practice of Islam’s is secure here for centuries,” he noted[10]. Some people support the notion that there was no caste discrimination in India in the past, Bhagwat said, adding that one has to accept that “injustice (on account of the caste system) has taken place in our country.” “We carry the glory of our ancestors, but we also have to repay the debts (of their mistakes),” the Sangh chief said. Thus, even the modern-day evils and the medieval practices affect Indian society in any form, they have to be checked and eradicated and no such blunders could be encouraged and accommodated hereafter in any form.

© Vedaprakash


[1] India Today, Fighting among ourselves instead of showing strength to enemies at border: RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, Press Trust of India, Nagpur,UPDATED: Jun 2, 2023 07:02 IST


[3] The Telegraph, Instead of showing strength to enemies sitting on borders, we are fighting among ourselves: RSS chief, PTI Nagpur Published 01.06.23, 10:49 PM.


[5], Instead of showing strength to enemies sitting on borders, we are fighting among ourselves: RSS chief, Updated: Jun 1 2023 10:52PM


[7] Business Standard, Every citizen should work towards enhancing integrity of India: RSS chief, First Published: Jun 01 2023 | 11:33 PM IST, Last Updated : Jun 01 2023 | 11:33 PM IST


[9] Indian Express, ‘Where is Islam safe other than India?’: RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat in Nagpur, By: Express News Service, Updated: June 4, 2023 15:42 IST.


Tamilnadu Temple Idol-lifting, stealing and smuggling- the nexus, how it could be controlled?

April 25, 2023

Tamilnadu Temple Idol-lifting, stealing and smuggling- the nexus, how it could be controlled?

The modern-day marauders excel the Medieval Mohamedan counterparts: The quantum of Idols of both metal and stone – bronzes and sculptures recovered so far has been laming and pointing out, how the Tamilnadu temples were looted after the Mohammedan marauding after the medieval period. Perhaps, these modern-Day  “Marauding Mohammedans” excel Malikafur, Aurangzeb etc. Ironically, during the reign of the Dravidian parties that have been ruling swearing in the name of Periyar, EVR or well-known atheist and anti-Hindu, have also inflicted irreparable damage to the existing temples. While millions of more than 1000 valuable, Chola period temples have been simply neglected and started natural death, slowly, they were looted piece by piece, stone by stone and brick by brick. As the Palaces and houses of the earlier period disappeared in the same way, these temple also disappear soon within 100 years. The atheist or the Dravidian ideologists of all categories have not cared anything about temples. They just talk or pour dialogue and keep quiet, whenever anything happens to temples.

How and why the Idols and sculptures have been missing from the temples?: The Idol Wing CID on 22-04-2023 Saturday seized about 55 antique idols from the house of an art collector in Chennai and sought the help of the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment (HR&CE) officials to see if any of them matched those missing/stolen from temples across the state[1]. A team of the idol wing conducted a surprise check at the house of the collector identified as Shobha Durairajan in Raja Annamalai Puram after being alerted by informants about some people bundling stone idols that appeared to be antique[2]. Actually, these appear to be incidental or accidental, but, it is well-known that such activities have been going on regularly, as the quantum of such idols and sculptures missing from the remote temples. Those who go on monthly or periodical visits to such remote temples, regularly, because they happen to be “Kula deivam” or their native place temple, find easily that some idol or sculpture is missing, as they see regularly or even take photographs on such occasions. Many times, they find that the sculptures have been displaced, moved and even broken into two or three pieces. The breaking is done purposely, so that others do not carry away for sentiments or business ethics (they know the activities of others).

A surprise check conducted revealed the Idols and sculptures: The check revealed several idols including those of Varahi, Veerabadrar, Dhakshinamoorthy, Vishnu, Durga, Murugan with consort, Vishnu Lakshmi, Lingothbhavar, Ganapathy, Mahishsura Mardhini and Buddha on the terrace and in a store room, idol wing CID head Shailesh Kumar, a director general of police, said[3]. Police who suspect that the idols could belong to the Chola period or later have approached officials of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) with a request to ascertain their age[4]. Had the ASI and as well as the TN State archaeological department and the Temples in charge officials been active and carrying out their duties, they could also find out such thefts and looting. In fact, now they conduct international conferences spending lakhs just politicizing the excavations. Instead, had they taken some 10% interest in these activities of preservation, conservation and renovation activities, they could have saved a lot.

Deenadayalan, Subhash Kapoor, Shoba Durairaj nexus?: Shobha, who had come under police scrutiny earlier after a few antique idols were seized from her house, told the investigating officers that she had been collecting antique artefacts as a hobby and that she had purchased the present lot from Deenadayalan, owner of the Aparna Art Gallery in Alwarpet, between 2008 and 2015[5]. So everybody knows everything and now these idols are open for seizure, as most of them being broken or left out stone sculptures. Police said Deenadayalan, an infamous idol smuggler with links to notorious art thief Subhash Kapoor, had been arrested in a case connected to the seizure of stolen idols from his gallery, was later released on bail due to his various ailments[6]. He died last year, in 2022[7]. With that, in fact, many of his friends and accomplices have been happy, as no dead man can tell any stories more and other living men also just keep quiet. Therefore, Shobha also would have been relaxed totally.

Idols from sll temples all over Tamilnadu: Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu police chief C Sylendra Babu has appreciated the idol wing for tracing 64 idols stolen from the state to countries such as the US, Australia, Singapore and England[8]. Singapore has agreed to return 16 idols which have been found in museums in the city-state. Since the inception of the idol wing in the early 1980s, at least 1,541 stolen antique idols of bronze and stone have been recovered, said DGP. “We are taking all efforts to identify the temples to which the recovered idols belong. We are determined to restore the idols to the shrines. We will investigate and nab the accused. We have seized more than 300 idols in the last two years and traced 64 idols abroad.”

Aparna At the gallery, Shobha Durairaj: According to The Hindu (in 2022 December), the Idol Wing’s first lead arose when agents noticed an art collector named Shobha Durairajan registered six antiques matching the description of outstanding stolen goods with the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)[9]. A subsequent search of Durairajan’s Chennai home turned up seven idols depicting Hindu figures Adhi Kesava Perumal, Sree Devi, Bhoodevi, Asthira Devar, Amman, Veera Bhadra, and Mahadevi[10]. Next, Idol Wing director K. Jayanth Murali said their team will question the staff at the Aparna Art Gallery to determine the nature of Deenadayalan’s involvement in the case[11]. Durairajan, meanwhile, is on the hook for possession of stolen antiques[12]. As such, her remaining four idols, all registered with the ASI in 2008, are being treated as contraband. Authorities are working to trace the relics’ true temples of origin, and have submitted each statue’s specs to the Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments Department for potential identification. The same story continues now in April 2023 also. The DGP of Idol wing police, Jayanth Murali told media persons that the deceased Deenadayalan was directly involved in the case and that Shoba Durairajan as a person possessing the temple idols is culpable.

Prateep V  Philip, ADG of Tamil Nadu police in-charge of the Economic Offences Wing, gave valuable information on the issue[13]: The Idol Wing-CID (essentially an investigation unit having state-wide jurisdiction for investigation and prosecution) is a compact team and is headed by DIG, Supervised by an IGP and an ADGP.

  • Since its inception in 1983, a total of 271 cases had been detected leading to 70% conviction, 20% acquittal, 10% treated as undetectable.
  • Total of 580 antique idols and 224 antique stone idols have been recovered till date, the value of which may be more than Rs.1000 Crores.
  • Noteworthy cases include the recovery of antique Panchaloga idol of Pathur Natarajar stolen in 1976 and recovered in 1982;
  • the antique Panchaloga idol of Sivapuram Natarajar stolen in 1956 recovered from Simon Norton Foundation Museum, USA in 1986;
  • the antique Panchaloga idol of Sripuranthan Natarajar stolen in 2006 was recovered from National Gallery of Australia, Canberra in 2014; t
  • The stone Ardhanreeswarar idol stolen from Virudhachalam temple in 2002 recovered from the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia in 2014;
  • Rs.77 Crores worth of 7 antique idols were recovered in 2015 and three antique idols (two Ganesha idols & one Kalabairavar) were recovered.

The Pallava-Chola period idols have been the target: The Idol Wing CID does not study and deal with the extent of market relating to stolen Indian antiquity. However, antique panchaloga (five metal) idols belonging to later Chola period are the target for all the international idol traffickers in the USA, Europe, the UK, Singapore, and Canada, a prospective market for all antiquities particularly antique idols of Hindu deities belonging to Pallava and later Chola Period. The panchaloga idols of the later Chola period – 9th to 12th CE and Stone idols belonging to Pallava and the earlier Chola period are chief targets for these international traffickers.  

How the smuggling takes place?: As per our experience, the bulk of the idols were exported from Madras Sea Port and Mumbai Sea Port.

  • As per our experience in Idol Wing CID, no agency helped us in tracking the route of the stolen idols illicitly smuggled out of Tamil Nadu.
  • Sequel to our initial detection of the crime of idol theft, intelligence collected from the confessional disclosure of the arrested accused helped us to find out the route travelled by the stolen idols.
  • Besides, confidential information from our secret sources largely helped us – all the detections hitherto made in the past 3 years are from our sources in the absence of any information input from other agencies (State & Central).
  • As far as Tamil Nadu is concerned, it is true that the HR & CE department does not have a comprehensive objective data base for all the antique (stone & metal, jewellery & wooden) idols in the approximately 45,000 places of worship in Tamil Nadu under auspices of HR & CE department.

Act and Rules are not stringent: It is true that more than 90% of the antique idols in the 45,000 temples remain legally unregistered as per the provisions of the Antiquities and Art Treasures Act of 1972. The real threat is from the growing crime of idol theft and burglary. Inconsequential and weak legislations (like AAT Act, AM&AS & Remains Act, AM Preservation Act 1904, TN A&HM & AS&R Act 1966 and TN Act 28 of 1993) – Ex: trial held for 7 yrs but the sentence imposed for the offences u/s 380 & 457 IPC is 6 months. The offence of temple lock breaking followed by lurking criminal trespass by night in order to commit an offence of theft entails a maximum sentence of 14 yrs as per S.457 IPC. Since 1947 no offence of idol theft was ever visited with a sentence of 14 yrs. Because penal law provides discretion to the punishing magistrate to impose lesser punishment of even 6 months for the same offence u/s 457 IPC.

What should be done?: i) Laser marking at the base of the antique idols as an evidence of ownership in the unlikely event of theft of these idols and their subsequent location in any foreign art gallery/museums.

ii) Metalic engraving at the base of the antique idols – name of the temple, place and property of the government of Tamil Nadu – as an evidence of legal ownership in the unlikely event of theft of these idols and their subsequent location in any foreign art gallery/museums.

iii) Photographing and documenting the physical dimensions of the antique idols including their specific identifying features etc.

iv) Any object/artefacts/idols more than 100 yrs old should be suspected to be stolen and the burden of proof of provenances should lie with the possessor.

v) Export of antique idols though legally prohibited, illegal exports is still going on through stealth means by sending them along with recently made handicraft idols. As an effective preventive measure, ADGP had already addressed the Govt., to issue a Govt. Order requiring “a joint clearance certificate from the HR&CE, Idol Wing-CID and the State Archaeological Dept., for export of even handicraft idols”.

vi) Special courts to be constituted in all the districts exclusively for the trial of idol theft offences.

vii) 32 District SPs had been addressed to furnish the RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT in respect of every antique temple and antique idols found therein with specific reference to their vulnerability for theft/burglary. District SPs had been instructed to record the scale of the preventive measures according to the risk level grading.

viii) The HR&CE dept., have been requested to install anti-burglary alarm and CCTV cameras equipped with facial recognition technology to identify the culprits even during pitch-black conditions at night.

ix) HR&CE dept., has been requested to register all the idols/artefacts/jewels available in the temples under their auspices as per the provisions of ACT Act 1972. It may be noted that more than 90% of the antique idols are yet to be legally registered.

How to control the idol-lifting, stealing and smuggling in Tamilnadu: That the artefacts have been continuously going out of India proves that they are smuggled out legally and illegally. Legally, in the sense with the wrong declaration submitted before the ASI, State archaeological departments or others and receiving certificates from certifying that the articles verified based on the sample submitted by them that it was made of some metal etc., There have been certain set or groups of people who have been following modus operandi of substitution that involves many persons of the temple, HR&CE, police and Idol wing. The nexus has been operating so closely, that they have been carrying out this for more than 60 years without any problem. Through politics, HR&CE and other routes, they have been institutionalized and controlled by a coterie. These groups must be exposed, disbanded and booked so that such activities could not continue. As long as atheism is supported, such support is patronized with party politics, such politicians talk ill of temples day-in and day-0ut in the name of atheism or secularism, definitely such an attitude encourages idol-lifting, stealing, smuggling and all connected activities. Thus, their nexus could also be sensed and therefore, they should also be exposed in the context, otherwise, these activities cannot be stopped.

©  Vedaprakash


[1] Times of India, 55 idols recovered from art collector’s house in Chennai, TNN / Updated: Apr 23, 2023, 06:45 IST.

[2] – :~:text=CHENNAI%3A%20The%20Idol%20Wing%20CID,from%20temples%20across%20the%20state.

[3] The Hindu, Idol Wing CID seizes 55 antique idols from art collector’s house in Raja Annamalaipuram, R. SIVARAMAN- CHENNAI, April 22, 2023 07:03 pm | Updated 07:03 pm IST 


[5] New Indian Express, Cops seize 55 antique idols from art collector’s house in Chennai  , Published: 23rd April 2023 06:13 AM  |   Last Updated: 23rd April 2023 06:50 AM.


[7] Dtext, 55 antique idols seized from art collector’s house in Chennai, Hemanathan M, Dt Next Bureau, Updated on: 22 Apr, 2023, 8:13 pm.


[9] The Hindu, Three antique idols stolen from temple in Ulundurpet 11 years ago, recovered from art collector’s house in Chennai  , December 12, 2022 12:34 pm | Updated 04:56 pm IST –  Chennai, R. SIVARAMAN


[11] ABPlive, Tamil Nadu Police Begin Probe Into Antique Idols Recovered In Chennai, Published at : 13 Dec 2022 09:29 AM (IST), By: IANS | Updated at : 13 Dec 2022 09:29 AM (IST)


[13] India Today, Idol thieves are adopting innovative ways: Philip,  Jayaraman, UPDATED: Jun 18, 2015 17:33 IST.

Hundreds of bronzes, copper plates and other antiques recovered due to digging at the Chattanathar Temple, Sirgazhi, Mayiladuthurai, Tamilnadu!

April 17, 2023

Hundreds of bronzes, copper plates and other antiques recovered due to digging at the Chattanathar Temple, Sirgazhi, Mayiladuthurai, Tamilnadu!

How the atheist Dravidian gangs control temples: 2000 years old Chattanathar temple is located in Mayiladuthurai district, Sirkazhi. The moment, the DMK came to power, it has been hyperactive in exploiting the HR&CE department and control the temple activities with full force through the government machinery. The Minister of the HR&CE has been very keen in some news appearing in the media on any pretext in the context of the department and related activities. Though the Dravidian party, vouchsafed for the atheism, Periyarism and Dravidian model of minorityism, all rolled into a new form of radicalism pitted against Hindu religion is well-known. Under such circumstances, the minister tries his best to get “secular image,” but he was seen at a function crying “Halleluiah.” Of course, all including the CM have been attending the Mohammedan and Christian functions, but not any Hindu, but always criticizing the Hindu belief system by all means. He has been active in conducting Kumbhabhisekam in many temples.

Kumbhabhuishekam work exposes the buried antiques: Kumbabhishekam is going to be held in this temple thus, on 24th of May after 32 years. In this case, the work of setting up Yagasala Mandapam started on April 16, 2023. For this, when a trench was dug inside the Nandavan near the west tower gate of the temple with JCB machine. Suddenly, it was found that the bucket struck to some and items and metallic sound also heard. Observing the peculiarity, the workers started removing the earth to find many idols covered with mud.  

  • They found 22 idols of Ganesha, Murugar, Valli, Deivanai, Someskandar, Ambal, Purna Pushkala Ayyanar, Tirunanasambandar, Appar, Sundarar, Manikavasakar, 55 peetas (bases for placing vigrahas), puja items and silks were buried in the soil.
  • 462 Devara copper plates bearing inscriptions recited by Tirunnasambandar were also found.

The Mutt Heads should be trained in all aspects to control the temples: The 27th Guru Maha Sannithanam Srilashri Masilamani Desikar Gnanasampanda Parhammasariyar of Dharampuram Atheenam saw these in person and asked which period they belonged to. Unfortunately, the Hindu Matathipadhs are not trained in all aspects to control the temples. Mostly, they are concerned about the temple rituals, rites and ceremonies. They are ignorant of the history, antiquity and other aspects of the every object one temple possesses. In fact, there are schools and colleges run by the Mutts, but, they just carry on the academics without caring for temple related subjects. Even if history subject is thee, the students just get degrees and go away searching for the jobs, without caring the temples that gave them the degrees. Even the staff, teachers and professors of the schools and colleges do not care and perhaps hobnob with the Dravidian atheists and do harm to the Temples. The discovery of 22 bronze idols (traditionally made of Five Auspicious metals, hence known as Impon in Tamil) at one place which has not been found anywhere so far has caused a surprise among the people of Sirkazhi. Of course, earlier also such idols were found at different places in Tamilnadu. In this case, these are considered to be 700 years ago, observing the style.

Dravidian administrators come just to scuttle the rights of the Hindus: District Collector AP Mahabharathi, who inspected the recovered idols and copper plates in person, said, ‘All the items found under the ground belong to the government. Therefore, we keep the recovered idols and coppers, puja items safely in the government treasury. After the inspection by the officials of the archaeology department, they will be handed over to the temple again”. However, the 27th Gurumaka Sannithanam of Dharumapuram Adheenam refused to accept this and said, ‘We will give full cooperation to keep the idols in the safe deposit box in Chattanathar temple and for the archaeology department officials to come and inspect it’. After this, all the idols recovered from the Chattanathar temple complex were kept in the temple safe. In this case, the district collector A.P. Mahabharathi said that ‘after the archaeology department officials will examine it today, it will be formally handed over to the appropriate people’. It is also said that the value of the recovered idols could be several crores of rupees.

The HR&CE group landed to control: In this case, a team of 6 members including Dr. Tamarai Pandyan, who is a member of the Department of Hindu Religious Charitable Department’s Print Maintenance and Preservation Project Committee, examined the 462 Tewara copper plates found in Sirkazhi Chattanathar Temple, including the print researchers Shanmugam, Sandhya, track collector Viswanathan, track maintainer Prakash and Kumar. In the presence of Sirkazhi District Collector Senthilkumar, along with Hindu Religious Charities Department Joint Commissioner Mohanasundaram and police protection, the inspection work is being carried out.

Chola period There were many temples on the Cholamandal coast: There was no dearth of temples constructed in the towns, ports and villages along the eastern coast of what is now known as the Cholamandal coast. There are lakhs of them in their respective locations to suit the needs of their respective devotees. Therefore, in the Chola period of 950-1250 CE, not only many temples were constructed, but each temple was administered and controlled by specific persons with formal instructions to function. Urban-rural temples also served as barracks. As a result, there was more agricultural land around them. Along with crop production, the farmers also did temple administration, maintenance, renovation properly etc.. As a result, farmers, cultivators and frmers excelled. As temple raiders proliferated over time, guardian deities proliferated, intense cults arose, and armed groups formed to control them. New agamas were created and the external structure of the temple also changed.

The temple system during the Chola period included socio-economic development: Temple building, overseas trade, and increased material production all proved the well-established metal industry. Because war, agriculture, shipbuilding, and manufacturing, all required tools, equipment, and machines made of metal. The number of producers also increased. If there were crores of exports, there was production accordingly, with jobs for everyone to lead a peaceful life. All these were affected only in times of war. Thus, during the Imperial Chola period, 950-1250 CE, it was largely because of the peace that such types of temples arose. But during the Mohammedan period, temples were demolished and precious metals were looted. It continued during the European Company rule also in a different way. However, the masses ignored all this and built temples again and again and continued their lives. Millions and millions of people followed the principles of non-violence, peace and patience, and after their departure, and disappearance, a peaceful life continued. That is why the Indian civilization continues, stands and grows, whereas, much talked about other civilizations disappeared.



Dravidastan, Dravidanadu, Tamilnadu – How ideology, racism and polity change and work from 19th century to 21st century! (3)

January 19, 2023

Dravidastan, Dravidanadu, Tamilnadu – How ideology, racism and polity change and work from 19th century to 21st century! (3)

Non-BJP rulers have joined together to oppose BJP-Central Government: It is evident that the States ruled by the non-BJP have taken a decision to oppose Central Government by all means to create controversies taking every opportunity to criticize and condemn its policies and other programmes. The CMs, their political parties and allies have also been anti-centre, anti-Governor and anti-Modi attitude, so that they can go on engage in such confrontation. As the DMK has the media control and power with the SUN group and film business, it could effectively carry on such propaganda easily. The TV channels have been full of such debates and news with persons declared as “Media person,” “journalist,” “activist,” “writer,” “right-wing ideologst” and of course belonging to DMK, MADMK, Congress, Communist and so on. The TV moderator / Neriyalar has been invariably biased and prejudiced wth loaded ideas and agenda and try to create controversies for their ratings.

Media imposed debates going on without understanding the Dravidian ideology: Most of them have been born after the 1980 and 1990s and they do not know the Dravidian ideology, polity and propaganda, yet, they have been made and engaged to take part in such TV debates. A careful watcher could easily observe and note, how the debates are manipulated and stage-managed. Except few, most of them just come there to spend time and get publicity. As they have political contacts and influence, just come, talk and shout and disappear. They rehash, repeat the points again and again and pour with verbose. They bring papers and always look at the mobiles, as evidently, they are helped by their groups sending details for their arguments. Thus, their arguments also would be of the nature of the persons who feed such stuff. That is, if they do not know the subject matter, then, naturally, all would e of the nature of “beating above the bush,” missing the target.

As an IPS officer, he knows “Tamil Nadu” and “Tamilagam”: Days after a Raj Bhavan invitation in Tamil angered the ruling DMK and caused unease within the BJP when it referred to him as the “Governor of Tamizhagam”, and not Tamil Nadu, Governor R N Ravi clarified Wednesday 18-01-2023, that he had not suggested changing the name of the state to Tamizhagam[1]. Definitely, as an IPS officer, he would have gone to the sources and understood the nuances of “Tamil Nadu” and “Tamilagam.” The word refers to a geographical region, historically inhabited by ancient Tamil people, that covers present-day Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Puducherry, and has obvious political implications[2]. As usual, the Dravidian ideologists started shouting that the Governor has started pushing the “Sanghi idea”[3] and hence trying to belittle “Dravidian pride,” and thus, acting his agenda of changing the name to “Tamilagam.”[4] The RSS-BJP ideologists could not counter it properly, as most of them have started reading the Dravidian literature to understand them. Thus, the print and electronic media have come out with all sorts of narratives that are known and understood by the present writers without knowing the facts.

Changing stand on “Dravidastan” to “Dravidanadu: to “Tamilnadu” to “Tamil Nadu” etc: Stating he was not suggesting a name change, the statement from the Governor said, “In an event at Raj Bhavan on January 4, 2023, to felicitate the volunteers of Kashi-Tamil Sangamam – a recently concluded month-long festival celebrating the age-old cultural connect of the Tamil people with Kashi – while dwelling upon the historical cultural connect between the two, I referred to the word ‘Tamizhagam’. In those days, there was no ‘Tamil Nadu’. Hence in historical-cultural context, I referred to the word ‘Tamizhagam’ as a ‘more appropriate expression’. Thus, he was clearly conveying to the Dravidian protagonists about their changing stand on “Dravidastan” to “Dravidanadu: to “Tamilnadu” to “Tamil Nadu” etc. The Tamil experts, particularly, the senior Pundits of more than 70 to 90 know very well about the background and the separatism involved.

Name-change game or interpretation is far-fetched and erroneous: An interpretation or inference that it was a suggestion to change the name of Tamil Nadu is erroneous and far-fetched.” …….“Without understanding the basis of my speech, arguments that the Governor is against the word ‘Tamil Nadu’ have become a topic of discussion. Hence, I am giving this clarification to put an end to it,” he said[5]. Both Tamizhagam and Tamil Nadu roughly mean, ‘The land of Tamils.’…., he also said[6], “There has been regressive politics with the wrong habit of refusing everything that benefits all sections of people including academicians blindly for their own interests, claiming that the state is not integrally part of India.” “Dravidian stock,” Stalin and his party DMK have clashed with the Governor repeatedly[7]. The hostility soared when Mr Ravi went off-script while reading out an official speech approved by the government in the assembly. DMK allies like Congress have also demanded the Governor’s recall[8].

Dravidanadu to Tamilnadu: As more and more recent past facts started coming out, they have been only exposing the anti-national, separatist and antagonist agendas, plans and facts of Justice Party, DK and DMK. As this is just recent-past, the documents tell the facts. Even, today, what DMK men of all sorts whether Sadiq, Krishnamurthy or Bharathy, their speech expose their decency and decorum. The more they speak, te more they get exposed and their ideology also. Now, crores and crores of people from all over the world have been watching and reading the facts. Youngsters with exposure to all subjects could easily understand their leaders.

  1. Definitely, the Governor pointed out the inconsistency of the Dravidian ideologists from EVR to Anna on the issue. Thus, his interpretation of speech has been erroneous and far-fetched[9]. It is only, the diverting tactics followed by the DMK and its allies[10].
  2. Even Anna as a Dravidian ideologist and Anna as CM could be noted. He could contest elections and become CM only, after throwing the idea of “Dravidanadu” to the dustbin.
  3. EVR or Periyar’s “Dravidastan” died with the separation of Jinnah and Ambedkar with his queer separatist policies. Bot Ambedkar and Jinnah exposed his rabid but inconsistent in his approach to the issues.
  4. Thus, came the idea of the alternative of “Tamilnadu,” with compromise. They themselves changed the name and now shouting for fun and time-passing with the “Manila suyatchi”.
  5. The LTTE separatism and TNLA activities etc., exposed the most dangerous plan and thus, the Tamil-separatist forces have been curtailed. Of course, LTTE has been decimated.
  6. Everybody knows that Stalin started with “Dravidian stock,” a racist ideology in the 21st century. With the “Dravidian Model,” he started aggressive campaigning and marketing his ideology. But that has failed and not working well with the common people.
  7. Not that the Dravidian ideologists, protagonists and separatists do not understand, but, they have decided to whip up passions by misinterpreting his speech. Therefore, definitely, misinterpretation of his speech is redundant[11]. In fact, the name change of the state is different from the historical facts[12].
  8. Incidentally, the Pongal celebrations have dampened the heat. And of course, Stalin himself has understood the folly and implications and thus controlled his men to calm down in their attacks on the Governor.
  9. In fact, they are worried about the dividing of Tamilnadu into two states, as such an idea has already been sowed in the minds of the separatists.
  10. Thus, the DMK is so worried about such a move, as their prospects in all aspects would be curtailed and dwindled down.

© Vedaprakash


[1] Indian Express, Did not suggest renaming Tamil Nadu as Tamizhagam: Governor RN Ravi clarifies, Written by Arun Janardhanan, Chennai | Updated: January 19, 2023 03:46 IST.


[3] Times Now News, ‘Erroneous to say I suggested changing name of Tamil Nadu’: Governor’s clarification on ‘Thamizhagam’ row,  Written by: Siddhi Gaharwar, Updated Jan 18, 2023 | 01:23 PM IST.


[5] Hindustan Times, ‘Erroneous and far-fetched’: Governor RN Ravi’s clarification over ‘Tamizhagam’ row, India News, Updated on Jan 18, 2023 01:39 PM IST.


[7] NDTV, A New Name For Tamil Nadu? Not Me, Says Governor, India NewsNDTV News DeskUpdated: January 18, 2023 2:34 pm IST


[9] Republic TV,  “Erroneous & Far-fetched” | ‘Never Suggested Name Change’: Tamil Nadu Guv Issues Clarification On Tamizhagam Row, Written By Astha Singh, Last Updated: 18th January, 2023 13:38 IST


[11] The Hindu, Didn’t suggest changing the name of Tamil Nadu, says Governor, THE HINDU BUREAU January 18, 2023 01:37 pm | Updated 10:55 pm IST – CHENNAI.


Dravidastan, Dravidanadu, Tamilnadu – How ideology, racism and polity change and work from 19th century to 21st century! (2)

January 17, 2023

Dravidastan, Dravidanadu, Tamilnadu – How ideology, racism and polity change and work from 19th century to 21st century! (2)

What was the DMK’s response to Governor Ravi’s remarks?: Soon after Ravi’s speech, there were strong reactions from several political leaders and celebrities. Members and supporters of Dravidian parties registered their protest by trending #TamilNadu on Twitter. DMK treasurer and senior leader T R Baalu Thursday 05—01-2023, issued a statement against the “frequent divisive statements” of Ravi. “He makes statements that are factually incorrect and potentially dangerous about Sanatana Dharma, Aryanism, Dravidianism, Thirukkural and colonialism, regardless of the occasion. Additionally, he makes derogatory statements about Dalits and even B R Ambedkar. However, it’s not difficult to understand his real motive,” said Baalu. The Governor, he claimed, was making political remarks. “The majority of his communal remarks up to this point have been on caste structures, and lately, he has also begun to speak like a politician,” he said. “In his most recent speech, he seemed to have claimed that Dravidian politics had been deceiving the people of Tamil Nadu for fifty years. A speech that should have been delivered at the BJP headquarters is currently being delivered from Raj Bhawan. This should be condemned.” The DMK MP also said, “If he wishes to take over as the state chief of BJP, let Governor Ravi make such foolish statements after quitting his position as the Governor. You cannot simultaneously hold the offices of the Governor and a BJP leader.”

The Tamil confusion of Deyam, Desam, Nadu, sthan etc: DMK MP Kanimozhi, meanwhile, said, “The name Tamil Nadu indicates our language, tradition, politics and life itself. It was CN Annadurai who made that name official in the state Assembly. This land will remain Tamil Nadu forever.” Newly-inducted sports minister and Stalin’s son Udhayanidhi Stalin said, “Anna (Annadurai), the founder of DMK, gave this name after a long battle. CM Stalin who follows the paths of Annadurai and M Karunanidhi will protect it.” Pushing back on the Governor’s remarks, the DMK mouthpiece Murasoli wrote, “He says the name Tamil Nadu indicates a sovereign nation. Does the name Rajasthan sound like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, or Turkmenistan to you? Isn’t Maharashtra a secessionist name for its name indicates the land of Marathas? Kerala’s tourism slogan, ‘God’s own country’, may also be a demand for a nation-state status. Isn’t it problematic for you to find a ‘Desam (land)’ in Telugu Desam Party?

India – British creation or Akhand Bharat: Writing that “India is a British creation”, the DMK mouthpiece asked Ravi to thank the British for creating India, instead of feeling proud of an imaginary “Akhand Bharat”. DMK’s organizing secretary told PTI, “The Governor is trying to do something that doesn’t suit his gubernatorial position. He wants to talk about politics rather than bestow importance to the developmental initiatives of the DMK government”. Stopping short of asking the Governor to refrain from indulging in politics, Bharathi said that it was unbefitting of the Governor to interfere in state politics. Ravi ought to resign if he wants to talk about politics, he said.

BJP, AIADMK’s reactions to Governor Ravi’s ‘Tamizhagam’ remark: The All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK), which is a BJP ally, disagreed with Ravi’s remarks. Claiming that the party, too, follows Annadurai’s political line, former minister D Jayakumar said, “It will always be Tamil Nadu for us.” The BJP, however, hit out at the ruling party, with its state president K Annamalai saying that “the DMK has long been trying to bury their secessionist past, their ideological parent party (Dravidar Kazhagam or DK founded by social reformer Periyar) wanting a separate Dravida Nadu, later a separate Tamil Nadu”. In a series of tweets, Annamalai said, “instead of the DMK party, the separatists nurtured by them continue to echo this sentiment today”. The DMK cadre even recently said that the ‘Dravida Nadu’ plea was not forgotten and propelled separatist sentiments, he alleged.

Tamil Nadu Government vs Governor: A list of controversies: This is not the first time that there has been a tussle. Earlier, bills have been passed by the Tamil Nadu government to curtail the powers of the governor. Tamil Nadu government leaders have also boycotted events hosted by the state governor and publicly criticised some of his actions. However, in those times, such tussles were of ego and personal nature and not of this “Dravidian” nature with “separatist” implications. Moreover, it has become a daily talk and issue for TV shows, as if they have been very important for the general public, who have been otherwise engrossed with their own problems. Moreover, the new year period and the Pongal / Sankranti season, everybody is interested in his / her welfare and future issues.

DMK harping upon “calling back Governor”: The M K Stalin government also took exception to Ravi over his criticism of the state’s response to the October 23, 2022, Coimbatore car blast. Ravi “praising Sanatana Dharma” was, in turn, criticised by the DMK. In February 2022, Ravi returned the bill that the state Assembly tabled against the National Eligibility cum Entrance test (NEET), opposing having an all-India medical higher education entrance exam. Ravi said that it went against the interests of students, especially those from the economically weaker sections. In April last year, Stalin and DMK allies boycotted the ‘At Home’ reception held by Ravi at the Raj Bhavan to mark Tamil New Year, due to his not giving consent for the bill. In November, DMK petitioned President Droupadi Murmu, asking that Ravi be recalled on grounds of unconstitutional conduct, and his failure to sign a large number of Bills passed by the state Assembly. The DMK petition mentioned 20 bills passed by the Assembly that are awaiting Ravi’s assent.

Does Governor follow “Right-wing” ideology? – What’s to come?: The ruling party has often accused Ravi of espousing Right-wing ideology and toeing the BJP’s line on matters including the National Education Policy (NEP), a policy that the DMK opposes. It has framed many of these issues as part of efforts for championing federalism and state autonomy, a major plank of the DMK’s ideology since its founding in 1949. Amid the controversy, the Tamil Nadu Assembly’s first session of the year will begin on Monday. The House is set to convene against the backdrop of the pending bills, and tensions between the Governor and the ruling party and its allies, over ideological and policy matters.

Kanimozhi’s rhetoric on womanhood forgetting the crimes on women taking place in Tamilnadu: Many times, Dravidian protagonists, ideologists and experts do not bother about history, chronology and facts, but, delved upon the “Dravidian myths.” Getting on to the ‘Tamilagam controversy’ bandwagon, DMK MP Kanimozhi Karunanidhi took a jibe at Governor RN Ravi, saying those who believe in Tamilagam might also believe that Avvaiyar lived for several centuries[1]. “However, when we are looking at it from Tamil Nadu perspective, it is only possible that different women writers living in different centuries were called by the same name,” speaking on the topic of ‘Women in Tamil Society’ at the Chennai Literary Festival held at Anna Centenary Library, Kanimozhi said there are two opposing views on how women were treated in the state[2]..

Dravida vs Tamil divide expose their hallow ideology and polity: On May 7, 2021, when M K Stalin took oath as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, he added an intriguing detail to his Twitter bio. He stated that he belonged to the ‘Dravidian stock’. It was, at one level, a mere detailing of his linguistic and cultural background since Tamil, Stalin’s mother tongue – Telugu and the language of Tamil Nadu, is a Dravidian language. But at another level, the assertion deserves a closer look. Besides being a cultural descriptor, ‘Dravidian’ has also come to stand for a worldview that came into the public consciousness through a movement that began in the early 20th century. All these are instances of ‘Dravidian’ being employed in a linguistic context in pre-modern times.

© Vedaprakash


[1] Indian Express, Tamilagam controversy: ‘They may also believe Avvaiyar lived for centuries’, says Kanimozhi, News, Published: 09th January 2023 07:47 AM  |   Last Updated: 09th January 2023 07:47 AM.


The Wonder That Was Harappan Civilisation – book produced by “The Hindu,” and released by a Dravidian Minister!

September 12, 2022

The Wonder That Was Harappan Civilisation – book produced by “The Hindu,” and released by a Dravidian Minister!

Harappan civilization book launched by “The Hindu” and released by the Dravidian Minister: A sense of ownership must be created among the local people about the importance of preserving the archaeological findings, particularly in less-known places, Thangam Thennarasu, Tamil Nadu Minister for Industries, Tamil Development and Archaeology, said on Tuesday 06-09-2022 while launching The Hindu’s book The Wonder That Was Harappan Civilisation at the newspaper’s office here[1]. N. Ram, Director, The Hindu Group, received the first copy of the book. Lauding the extensive book that has intricate details of the Harappan civilisation, Mr. Thennarasu said it would serve as an eye-opener. Noting that there were several archaeological sites that faced disturbances and encroachments, he said local people must be involved in preserving the exquisite findings[2].

The Dravidian Minister talks about “the possible links of Keezhadi with the Harappan civilisation”: Elaborating on the remarkable changes in archaeological explorations after the progress in the Keezhadi excavation, he said more research needs to be done on the possible links of Keezhadi with the Harappan civilisation[3]. The Minister pointed as examples the Adhichanallur excavations bearing several similarities with the Harappan civilisation, and the punch mark coins discovered at the Keezhadi site revealing trade links between north and south, remarking that there are many opportunities to establish Tamil Nadu’s links with the northern civilisation[4].

Aryan-Dravidian mix and the ideological fight: It is well known that the Dravidian Minister used to talk in a very racist way during his interviews with the Tamil media so far without mincing words that the Mohanjadaro – Harappan civilization was “Dravidian.” S. Balakrishnan IAS (retd.,) hitherto has been harping upon the “Tamil” words found throughout the Afghanistan-Pakistan region,i.e, the ancient region of the “Mohanhdaro-Harappan” civilization. Karunanidhi used to mention “The Hindu” as “Mount Road Mahavishnu” (i.e, Aryan Iyengar Brahmin group media) supposedly anti-DMK during those days. Of course, N. P. Ramajayam was the Union leader of the labour Union of the Hindu group of companies[5]. Kanimozhi was accommodated in the editorial office, when she was depressed after the break of her marriage with Athibam Bose[6]. Then, Dayanidhi Maran married Priya granddaughter of Kastui Iyengar, daughter of Ramesh Rangarajan and N. Ram’s first cousin daughter[7]. Later, one reporter of the Hindu, Ganapathy was assaulted, pushed down from his scooter and sacred thread cut. It is not that the personal affairs of anybody is discussed, but, how the political alignment, ideological narratives and other discourses have been carried on during the course of times in recent history.

Many puzzles about the Harappan civilisation still need to be unravelled: Citing epigraphist Iravatham Mahadevan who recorded similarities between the script in the Indus Valley and an early form of the Dravidian language, Mr. Thennarasu said the State government has also allocated funds to study the possible links[8]. Many puzzles about Harappan civilisation still need to be unravelled. Indus script and seals have been only partially deciphered and more explorations are essential to learn about the civilisation[9]. Every archaeological excavation has provided new discoveries and artefacts right from the times of British archaeologist John Marshall, he added.

Iravatham Mahadevan, S.Balakrishnan and Induscript: Iravatham Mahadevan created “The Indus script study centre,” at the Rojah Muthaiah Library, Taramani. Though he was pointing out the similarity with a few examples, he could not decipher all the 5000 seals and the signs matching with any language. As has been pointed out many times, carefully, he used to comment or conclude, “neti, neti” (in Sanskrit, neither this nor that). After the demise of I. Mahadevan, S. Balakrishnan has taken over and virtually turned it into a “pro-Dravidian” and “Dravidian” script study centre. He started openly talking about such Dravidian interpretations totally. Even the Hi-tech stadium is being used for his talk, videographed and circulated. His book “Journey of Civilization – Indus to Vaigai” can be cited as an example. His Dravidian narratives have been included in the Tamil Nadu textbooks also. He has been overenthusiastic in propagating such “Dravidian” hypothesis conclusively[10].

The Hindu Ram talks about the book: The 356-page book curated by T.S. Subramanian, former Associate Editor, Frontline, has about 600 photographs, maps and several illustrations[11]. Besides articles by Mr. Subramanian, the book has articles by several scholars[12]. Appreciating the book as substantial work by The Hindu team, Mr. Ram recalled his involvement with the subject during a recent visit to the earliest site of the Harappan civilisation. Other civilisations such as Sumerian, Mesopotamian and Egyptian were better researched, he added. The Harappan civilisation was also an extensive civilisation and a fascinating subject; several Harappan sites have been discovered but not all have been excavated yet, he said. The book is available online at with a 20% discount in price. “The Hindu” does marketing also, in this way through their media.

The book is available online at with a 20% discount in price: Quoting from Tony Joseph’s Early Indians, Mr. Ram said the book had an interesting conclusion that early Indians are of multi-source civilisations and indicated a strong, well-established connection between Harappan civilisation and southern India, especially the land of Tamils. Mr. Subramanian said the book was being launched to mark the centenary in 2024 of the announcement of the discovery of the Harappan civilisation, UNESCO recognition for the Harappan-era city Dholavira in 2021 as World Heritage Site and the centenary of the first excavation that took place in Mohenjo-Daro in 1922-23. Mounds and seals played a significant role in the discovery of the Harappan civilisation, he added. Nirmala Lakshman, Publisher and Director, The Hindu Group, and Suresh Nambath, Editor, The Hindu, were also present. R. Srinivasan, head-Magazines and Special Publications, The Hindu, spoke at the event. The book is available online at with a 20% discount in price. The book price is Rs 3200/- and no ordinary Indian student, researcher or genuinely interested could afford to purchase such a “table-top” luxurious Five-star type book.

Dravidian CM announced the date of excavation in the TN Assembly: Excavations carried out by the Tamil Nadu Department of Archaeology at Mayiladumparai in Krishnagiri district have placed the beginning of the Iron Age in Tamil Nadu 4,200 years Before Present (BP) or 2200 BCE (Before Common Era), Chief Minister M.K. Stalin said in a suo motu statement in the Assembly[13] on Monday 09-05-2022. Therefore, none could question or clarify from him, as he read the details from a paper[14]. This was reportedly by other English and Tamil dailies. Interestingly, there were no comments by the eminent historians, leading archaeologists and other secular historiographers that a politician was doin the job of archaeologist. Note, when Murali Manohar Joshi pointed out the “Khumbat excavation” with archaeological evidences, it was objected to. Even, English dailies criticized that a “Hindutva” minister was doing that job. I. Mahadevan’s interview was also published in the Hindu criticizing. But, now, nothing happened. So this has been the historical consciousness, historical attitude and scientific temper of them.

© Vedaprakash


[1] The Hindu, The Hindu launches book on Harappan civilization, The Hindu Bureau, CHENNAI SEPTEMBER 06, 2022 21:41 IST; UPDATED: SEPTEMBER 07, 2022 00:13 IST.


[3], The Hindu launches book on Harappan civilization, By September 6, 2022.


[5]  N. P. Ramajeyam started gaining control over the Hindu labour union.  He joined in 1965 and became Union’s General Secretary in 1975. He was also a MLA of Mylapore constituency during 1996-2001. When he died in 2007, N. Murali, MD praised him like anything and told, “that he never brought politics inside”!

[6] Indian Express, The secret self of Kanimozhi, Published: 06th March 2011 11:16 PM  |   Last Updated: 16th May 2012 09:32 PM.

[7] Dayanidhi Maran took their relative Priya as his wife. He married Priya of “The Hindu” Iyengar family [Ramesh Rangarajan son of S. Rangarajan] on 26-08-1994. Incidentally, Mallika wife of Murasoli Maran has been the daughter of A. N. Kalanasundara Iyer.

[8] The Bharat Times, The Hindu launches coffee table book on Harappan civilization, admin, September 6, 2022 


[10] ApDirectIndia, The Hindu launches book on Harappan civilization, By September 6, 2022.


[12] Vedaprapash, What S. Balakrishnan wants in the context of breaking codes of IVC –  how his pro-Tamil and fixed research could bring unbiased results?, 24-02-2020.

[13] The Hindu, Iron Age in T.N. began 4,200 years ago, says Chief Minister, SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT, CHENNAIMAY 09, 2022 20:26 IST; UPDATED: MAY 09, 2022 21:17 IST


Iravatham Mahadevan talk and the response of Vedaprakash

March 30, 2020

Iravatham Mahadevan talk and the response of Vedaprakash

At the hall of Roja Muthaiah Research Centre, the epigraphist Iravatham Mahadevan gave a lecture on the decipherment of the IVC script / pictograms / seals.

Iravatham talk at Roja Muthaiah Hall DM

After going through the report appeared in the newspaper, I responded as follows:

Iravatham talk at Roja Muthaiah Hall DM. Vedaprakash response

திரு ஐராவதம் மஹாதேவன் பேசுவது, எழுதுவது முதலியவற்றை கடந்த 40 ஆண்டு காலமாக உன்னிப்பாகக் கவனித்து வருகிறேன். இப்பொழுது அவர் கூறியிருப்பதிலேயே பல விசயங்கள் உறுதியாக, முடிவாக சொல்லவில்லை. ஏதோ யேஷ்யமாக, முன்னர் கூறியவற்றைத் தொகுத்துக் கூறியுள்ளார் என்றே தெரிகிறது. முக்கியமானவற்றைச் சுட்டிக் காட்ட விரும்புகிறேன்:

1. சிந்துசமவெளி மரபுகள், இரண்டு நீரோடைகளாக பிரிந்துள்ளதாக சான்றுகள் அறிவிக்கின்றன: “சிந்துசமவெளி மரபுகள்” என்று குறிப்பிடும் போது, அவையே பல “மரபுகள்” என்று காட்டுகிறார் போலும் பிறகு அவை இரண்டாகப் பிரிந்தது என்றால், “ஆரிய-திராவிட பிரிப்பு” எங்கிருந்து வந்தது? மூன்றாக, ஏன் நான்காகக் கூடப் பிரிந்திருக்கலாமே?

2.அவை, முந்தைய திராவிட மரபின் வேர்கள், பண்டைய தமிழகத்திற்குள்ளும், சிந்துசமவெளியிலும் இருப்பதை, சிந்துவெளி முத்திரைகள் உறுதிப்படுத்துகின்றன: சிந்துசமவெளி நாகரிகத்தின் உச்சநிலை காலம் c,2250-1850 BCE ஆகும், ஆனால், சங்ககாலம் c. 500-300 BCE ஆகும். பிறகு ஆரியர்கள் உடனே சமஸ்கிருதத்தில் வேதங்களை உச்சரித்து, ஆடு-மாடுகளை மேய்த்துக் கொண்டுத் திரிந்து கொண்டிருந்தபோது, திராவிடர்கள் இரண்டாயிரம் ஆண்டுகளுக்குப் பிறகு தான் தமிழில் பாட்டுகளைப் பாட முடிந்ததா?

3.பாண்டியர்களின் மூதாதையர்கள், சிந்துசமவெளியில் வணிகத்தில் ஈடுபட்டவர்களாக இருந்திருக்கலாம். அவர்கள், தெற்கு நோக்கி நகர்ந்து, திராவிட மொழி பேசியிருக்கலாம். குறிப்பாக, பண்டை தமிழ் பேசியவர்களாக இருந்திருக்கலாம்: இப்படி “இருக்கலாம்”, “இருக்கலாம்”…..என்று சொல்லிக் கொண்டே போகும் போது, எப்படி உறுதியாக “சிந்துசமவெளி நாகரிகம் திராவிடர் நாகரிகமே”, என்று ஒரே போடு போட முடியும்?

4.முந்தைய இந்திய – ஆரிய பண்பாட்டுக்குள் உள்ள (ரிக் வேதம்) வார்த்தைகள், சிந்துவெளியில் இருந்து, கடன் மொழியாக நுழைந்திருக்கின்றன. ரிக் வேதத்தில் வரும், ‘பூசன்’ என்ற கடவுளின் பெயர், சிந்துவெளி மக்களிடம் இருந்து எடுக்கப்பட்டதாக அறிய முடிகிறது: அப்படியென்றால், அவை எங்கிருந்து சிந்துசமளிக்குள் நுழைந்தன? பிறகு அங்கிருந்தவர்கள் எல்லோருமே கடனாளிகள் தாமா? வார்த்தைகளை மற்றவர்களிடமிருந்து கடனாகப் பெற்றுக் கொண்டிருந்தால், அந்த மூல மொழி என்ன?

5.சிந்துசமவெளி நாகரிகம், முன் வேத பண்பாட்டை விட, காலத்தால் மிக முந்தையது என்பது, இதனால் விளங்குகிறது: இப்படி சில வார்த்தைகளை வைத்துக் கொண்டு முடிவுக்கு வந்தவிட முடியுமா? பிறகு ஆர்.டி. பானர்ஜி சிந்துசமவெளி அடுக்களுக்குக் கீழாக இருந்த கண்டு பிடித்த புத்த விஹாரம் என்னாவது? புத்தரின் காலம் என்னாவது? வேதங்களை எதிர்த்தது புத்தரா? அப்படியென்றால், கீழட்டுகள் முந்தைய காலத்தைச் சேர்ந்ததா அல்லது மேலடுக்குகள் முந்தைய காலத்தைச் சேர்ந்ததா? இதையெல்லாம் ஐராவதம் மஹாதேவன் விளக்குவாரா?

6.சிந்துசமவெளி குறியீடுகளுக்கும், பண்டை தமிழ் வார்த்தைகளுக்குமான தொடர்பு அதிகம் இருப்பதை, சங்க கால தமிழ் சொற்கள் மூலமாக அறியலாம்: சிந்துசமவெளி குறியீடுகள் மேலே குறிப்பிட்டப்படி c.2250-1850 BCE காலத்தைச் சேர்ந்ததாகும், ஆனால், சங்ககாலம், சங்க கால தமிழ் சொற்களின் காலம் c. 500-300 BCE தான். ஐராவதம் புத்தகத்தின் படியே தமிழி-தமிழ் பிராம்மியின் காலம் c. 300-200 BCE தான். அப்படியென்றால், முதலிலேயே சிந்துசமவெளியில் தோன்றியதாக கூறப்பட்ட சமஸ்கிருதம் முன்னாலேயே வளர்ச்சியடைந்து, 2,000 ஆண்டுகளுக்குப் பிறகு தமிழ் மொழி வந்தது ஏன்? அதிலும் சிந்துசமவெளியில் “சங்க இலக்கியங்கள்” தோன்றாமல், தமிழகத்தில் தோன்றியது ஏன்? சங்க கால தமிழ் சொற்கள் மூலமாக தொடர்பு அதிகம் இருந்தது என்றால், மற்ற மொழிகளும் அவ்வாறே கூறிக் கொள்ளலாமே? சங்க இலக்கியங்களீலேயே “பன்மொழிதேயத்தோர்” இருந்திருக்கின்றனரே?

7.செந்தமிழ் மாநாட்டின் போது, ஆஸ்கோ பார்போலா முதலில் “திராவிடர்” என்றால், பிறகு, சமஸ்கிருதத்தின் பங்கும் உள்ளது என்றார். அத்தகைய சமரச போக்குதான் இப்பொழுதும் இவரிடத்தில் காணப்படுகிறது.

8.“ஆரிய-திராவிட” இனங்கள் இல்லை என்று ரோமிலா தாபர் போன்ற மார்க்சீய சரித்திராசிரியர்களே ஒப்புக் கொண்டு விட்டனர். பிறகு அந்த குறுகிய கட்டுக்கதை-வளையத்தில் இருந்து கொண்டு சில முத்திரைகளில் உள்ள சின்னங்களைப் படித்து, ஒட்டு மொத்தமாக, அது இந்த மொழியினுடையே வரிவடிவம் தான் என்று சொல்வது சரியல்ல.

9.சுமார் 5,000க்கும் மேற்பட்ட முத்திரைகள் முழுவதும், இதே முறையைக் கொண்டு படித்துக் காட்டினால் ஒப்புக் கொள்வார்கள். அந்த மாதிரி, இதுவரை யாரும் செய்து காட்டவில்லை.

10.முன்பு தார்வார் இந்திய வரலாற்றுப் பேரவையில் இவர் “நேதி, நேதி” என்று சொல்லி முடித்தார். அதையே தான் இப்பொழுது நானும் சொல்ல வேண்டியுள்ளது.


As now, the old reports appeared in the newspapers are disappearing from the websites / internet sources, the available news are taken as “screen shot” images and posted here for reference.

