Archive for the ‘kannur’ Category

The 80th session of Indian History Congress held at Kannur University –The Governor speech was interrupted, Irfan Habib created a scene on the stage misbehaving! [4]

January 8, 2020

The 80th session of Indian History Congress held at Kannur University –The Governor speech was interrupted, Irfan Habib created a scene on the stage misbehaving! [4]

IHC - the two girls that created ruckus, Deepak touching police

Note those two “women-delegates,” who were used as a front, to start the ruckus and ten run riot to spoil the image of IHC.

IHC - the girl that created problem

See her face, how it changes…………..

IHC - the girl that created problem, how much strength

Yes, she can use force, as could be seen from her facial expression of violence…

The Bengali girl tossed the cap of the police

In that skirmish, the Lady-police hat was tossed and she catches it and wears! Thus, the so-called “woman-delegate” has no decency to respect a “Woman-police”! Is that way, she has been taught to oppose the authority?

Irfan Habib, the two women delegates and the rabble-rousing historians are not innocent: The media continued to report twisting the facts of events, as follows: “When the governor touched upon the subject of the CAA and defended the Centre, some participants started raising their voices in protest. When he said the house is open for discussion, two women delegates who were research fellows in the JNU, raised placards saying ‘this house (India) is not open for any discussions’. Even though the governor was heard saying that they have the right to protest democratically, the security officers tried to eject them. By then, the atmosphere was charged. Participants, students and professors began chanting slogans against the governor’s “political remarks”. According to some delegates, Khan quoted Maulana Azad, saying “the Partition took the dirt away but some potholes were left behind, where water has collected and now it is stinking.” He told the protestors, “You are causing a foul smell. Maulana Azad had said this for you.” This is when noted historian, professor Irfan Habib stood up and asked him to “quote Nathuram Godse” rather than Maulana Azad or Gandhi”. The media has utterly failed in pointing out the illegal misbehaviour, misconduct and unruly act of Irfan Habib and the so-called “women delegates”!

Histrisans shouting at Governer

Historians shouted and created ruckus-2

Historians shouted and created ruckus-3

Running riot historians or delegates

Running riot historians or delegates or mob

How the media has been mischievous in glorifying the rowdy behaviour of the historians: The media continued to report twisting the facts of events, as follows: “Particularly unseemly was the pandemonium that marked the inaugural with the distinguished historian and president of the current IHC, Irfan Habib (Aligarh school) getting up from his chair on the stage to remark, “The Governor may talk about Godse but not Maulana Azad.” That punctuated the Governor’s presentation with a full stop[1]. Mr Khan had his dander up, provoking the protesters to debunk the constitutional head for what they called his “unwarranted political remarks”. It needs to be underlined that the Indian History Congress ought not to be the venue of an ideological spat[2]. While the West Bengal Governor was barred from entering the JU campus as Chancellor on convocation day, the Kerala Governor, Mr Arif Mohammad Khan, was booed so severely that he had to wind up his address, claiming that his freedom of speech was being denied”.  Silly, stupid and ridiculous for the media to conclude that the act of disrespecting the Governors in the universities is a great job. That proves their ugly mindset of acting against the Act and Rules of this nation.

Irfan Habib tried to prevent Governer-4

Irfan’s idiotic talk of IHC not inviting the Governor: The media continued to report twisting the facts of events, as follows: “Historian Irfan Habib said the Indian History Congress (IHC) did not invite Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan and it was the host institution, Kannur University, which invited him and other political leaders. “It is the right of the host institution to invite, however, we would not have thought of him,” the historian said criticising the Governor[3]. He was responding to the event that unfolded during the inauguration of the 80th session of the IHC at the university. He told The Hindu that the delegates were provoked when he started to speak about the Citizenship Amendment Act and denounced the Muslims. “The Governor was not invited to speak on CAA and the time of IHC is not for wasting,” he said adding that the Governor had the right to speak to an audience of his own[4]. The historian pointed out that the Governor was going into things that were no concern to the IHC. He was asked to address the IHC and not to a political audience, he asserted. Asked if there was a violation of the Governor’s protocol, Mr. Habib said the protocol did not govern the IHC and they had their own constitution. The members of IHC are governed by the Indian Constitution and the IHC’s, he said adding that the Governor’s protocol was false. Habib pointed out that in the past the President, the Vice-President and other eminent people attended the congress without any protocol. Habib was also critical of the Kerala government for posting the police at the IHC venue. The government should explain why policemen were deputed and four people were detained, he said. Habib also accused the police of obstructing him, when they had no business to be on the podium. So he pushed them aside to speak to the local secretary. He also expressed his concern that it happened in Kerala, where the Left government was governing.

Irfan pulled by Kannur VC and taken aside

Irfan Habib’s lies and the media coverage: There have been many documents that lay mandatory conditions as to how a Governor has to be treated when he is invited for any function. A University is a place, where, educated people are there, it is unimaginable that such events could have taken place at Kannur. Being a responsible historian, Habib went on telling lies.:

  1. Whether IHC invited, Kannur University invited, that is immaterial, as the so-called historians have to behave properly respecting the post.
  2. The Governor has not only been head of the Kerala State, but, Chancellor of all Universities of Kerala.
  3. The VC of Kannur University is responsible for the behaviour of the historians or delegates, who came there.
  4. As the Kannur University hosted the session, the IHC has been equally responsible for the decent behaviour and smooth proceedings of the deliberations.
  5. That the “women-delegates” were so prompt and ready to swing in action to show the placards, shout slogans and roughly behaved with the police proved that they had planned already.
  6. Habib’s blabbering that, “the Governor had the right to speak to an audience of his own,” is idiotic, because, he was the first person started heckling and interfering with the speech of the Governor.
  7. Habib’s, “I am 88; his ADC must have been 35 or 40. You can imagine the falsity of this statement from these facts,” rant[5] has been totally false, as the video proved his behaviour.
  8. Ironically, not only ADC, the VC had to control him, pull his hands, pulled him aside and made him to sit away from the Governor. So all had watched how the 88 behaved with vigour!
  9. The reporter of “The Hindu” and other media houses should know some fundamentals about the duties of Chancellor, VC and other dignitaries of the University.
  10. The IHC had involved in politics long back and the historians cannot fool common people and citizens of India. Perhaps, the people might start questioning them one day, if they continue to lie in this fashion. It is not their “Marxist or Mohammedan historiography” to interpret, misinterpret or distort to suit them without any objectivity, impartiality and neutrality.

Irfan Habib a liar, rowdy

What Governor told

Telling lies bad for historians: The media continued to report twisting the facts of events, as follows: “Historians[6], Jabir Raza of AMU and Farhat Hasan of DU, said[7], “When the protests commenced, professor Irfan Habib, who was on the dais in the capacity of the outgoing president of the IHC, got up from his seat and proceeded to the VC of Kannur University, Gopinath Ravindran, to request him to stop what was happening and requested the governor to refrain from turning the IHC into his political arena. He had also requested the governor to stop making remarks of the nature he was indulging in. As soon as Habib went there, the ADC and the security officer of the governor pushed him aside and tried to stop him. The governor, too, started accusing Habib of trying to stop him from speaking.” But, these two were sitting 100 ft away among the audience, of course shouting at the Governor, as the videos show, therefore, they had lied only. Irony and regrettable that the historians behave like rowdies.

© Vedaprakash


Rowdiism at IHC Kannur, 2019

[1] The Statesman, Profund and profane, SNS Web | New Delhi | December 31, 2019 2:45 pm


[3] The Hindu, Indian History Congress did not invite Governor: Irfan Habib, C.P. Sajit, KANNUR, DECEMBER 29, 2019 16:55 IST; UPDATED: DECEMBER 29, 2019 17:30 IST

[4] – comments_30425605

[5] The Telegraph, Habib responds to Kerala governor: No fisticuffs, I’m 88, By K.M. Rakesh in Bangalore Published 31.12.19, 7:15 AMUpdated 31.12.19, 7:15 AM- The governor told a Malayalam channel on Sunday that Habib had started ‘fisticuffs’ with his ADC on the dais

[6] Times of India, MU, DU historians refute Kerala governor’s claim of heckling by Irfan Habib, Anuja Jaiswal | TNN | Dec 30, 2019, 4:18 IST


The 80th session of Indian History Congress held at Kannur University – Highly politicized and spoiled show – The Governor targeted with agenda! [3]

January 2, 2020

The 80th session of Indian History Congress held at Kannur University – Highly politicized and spoiled show – The Governor targeted with agenda! [3]

IHC Kannur politicized with rowdyism

The ugly political background of the present IHC: The background of Kannur and politics have to be known, probed and understood by historians. IHC has been conducting its annual tamasha only in Communist, congress and Mohammedan dominated areas since 1980s. It is a fact that those government sponsor and grant money, so that their political ideologies are nurtured, percolated through papers and getting published in the proceedings. This is how the academic proceedings have been manipulated. Instead of uniting youth, they have been doing their worst to divide them based on communalized ideology, ideologized polity and politicized pseudo-secularism. None could imagine that Ambedkar did not know secularism, just because, it was inserted later. Therefore, the amendment of the provisions of the Constitution according to the existing exigency has been quite normal, whereas, the opposition parties have been trying to run riot on one or other pretext.

Kannur political and communal murders Graphics-4

Organizing Committee formed with the CM and other political leaders: The 80th edition of Indian History Congress would be held at Kannur University in the last week of December 2019[1].

  1. Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and
  2. Minister of State for External Affairs V Muralidharan were elected as the chief patrons of its organising committee[2].
  3. The university’s Vice-Chancellor Gopinath Raveendran is its chairman.
  4. District panchayath President K V Sumesh,
  5. Syndicate member Dr V P P Musthafa, PK Sreemathi,
  6. Pro VC Dr PT Raveendran,
  7. Syndicate members Dr John Joseph,
  8. Advocate P Santhosh Kumar and
  9. Binju Kandakkai were elected as other members of the committee[3].
  10. Syndicate member A Nishanth,
  11. historian Dr C Balan,
  12. University Union chairperson Sisira TK were elected as conveners.
  13. Dr P Mohandas was elected as local secretary and
  14. Dr Manjula Poyil was elected as Treasurer.

Apart from them, cultural leaders, representatives of the people, political party leaders, research scholars, journalists, teachers and students are also part of the committee[4]. Pro VC Dr PT Raveendran presided over the meeting. VC Dr Gopinath Raveendran spoke about the importance of the event.

  1. Ports Minister Ramachandran Kadannappally was the chief guest.
  2. District panchayath president KV Sumesh,
  3. corporation councillor Lisha Deepak,
  4. Dr VPP Mushtafa, Biju Kandakkai, A Nishanth, Dr John Joseph,
  5. CPM district secretary MV Jayarajan,
  6. CPI district secretary P Santhosh Kumar,
  7. IUML district general secretary Abdul Karim Cheleri, Dr Manjula Poil and Dr C Balan participated in the meeting held.

Thus, the Marxist, Leninist, and all communist categories, Mohammedan and “secular” groups have ganged up, obviously to do something.

Kannur political and communal murders Graphics-3

IUML and communists engaged in poltical murders in Kannur and other places: It is interesting to note how IHC is regularly dominated with politicians, that too, with fundamentalist Mohammedans.  Just in May 2019, when CPM Kannur district secretary M V Jayarajan demanded that Muslim women who queue up in polling booths should remove their face veil, Abdul Karim Cheleri said the communal mindset of the CPM has been exposed through Jayarajan’s statement[5]. LDF candidate P K Sreemathi too supported the demand[6]. “Jayarajan had raised the issue to prevent bogus voting. It’s not an anti-religious statement, said Sreemathi[7]. However, IUML does not want others to interfere with their religious sanctions[8]. Moreover, for IHC how these politicians are coming together is not, as otherwise, their party cadres have been involved in killing each other. Just two months back, the same Abdul Karim Cheleri accused CPI (M) involved in killing their cadre accusing another Jayarajan[9]. Isahak, 38, was allegedly hacked to death at Tanur by a group of unidentified assailants with suspected links to the ruling Left[10]. Meanwhile, the IUML alleged that there was a CPI(M) conspiracy behind the attack.[11] “Former Kannur district secretary P Jayarajan came to the area a few days ago and held a meeting where some of the culprits also took part,” a Youth League leader alleged.

Kannur political and communal murders Graphics-1

How K.K.N.Kurupp narrates about the murderous Kannur heritage: The culture of bloodshed in Kannur, which continues even today despite ritualistic political handshakes to give peace a chance, is probably as old as the folk traditions of the land, its myths and history[12]. From the myths of theyyams that glorified the subaltern gods to the Vadakkanpattu (ballads) and the revolt against the British by Pazhassi Raja, there are plenty of stories where people shed blood with pride. But in the age of democracy why is this place obsessed with martyrdom? Is it because a martyr is a political investment? From the murder of RSS leader Vadikkal Ramakrishnan in Thalassery in 1968 (considered to be the first political murder) to killing of E Santhosh (another RSS activist) in January 2017, nearly 186 people have been killed here over the past five decades. The north Malabar region always had a tradition of violence right from the days of feudalism, said historian K K N Kurup[13]. “If the reason is politics, why is it not there in other parts of India or Kerala? Why they practice this camouflage battle strategy here only?“ he asked. He felt that this was the continuation of a tribal character though their act of vendetta is political in nature. “If African tribes involve in fights to assert their racial supremacy, here it is for political supremacy. Both reflect the same attitude. I feel they have the element of the `suicidal fighter’ in this age of democracy ,“ he said.

Kannur political and communal murders Graphics-2

K.K.N.Kurupp – refuted for his linking traditional pattus and dances to violence: However, it is wrong to link the gory culture in politics with Vadakkanpattu, said kalaripayattu exponent P Meenakshi Amma. “The fights narrated in Vadakkanpattu had a basic element of ethics. In the political battlefield, bloodshed is mostly an act of vendetta. They get involved in it because they have no knowledge about the tradition of kalaripayattu and Vadakkanpattu,“ she said. But this political violence cannot be isolated from the folk tradition of the place that often told the story of the lower-caste victims, said researcher T Sasidharan, who heads the political science department of Kannur S N College. He had exhaustively researched the history of political violence in Kannur and wrote a book titled `Radical Politics of Kannur’. “When we look at the socioeconomic aspect of the murders and violence in Kannur, it can be seen that nearly 65% of the martyrs, irrespective of politics, belong to the thiyya community. A majority of them are economically-backward,“ he said. Though the murder of Ramakrishnan is considered to be the beginning of political murders in Kannur, the roots of political violence began with the emergence of Praja Socialist Party (PSP) in the 1950s under P R Kurup, he said. There were clashes between PSP and the Communist Party in Panur and with the disintegration of PSP in the late 60s, the violence took a new turn when its workers joined Jana Sangh.

Jayaraj with Madani poster-IHC
It was only the political competition between the Communists and the Mohammedans: Though political rivalry is said to the reason for the violence here, the political character is fast vanishing and `quotation culture’ is making inroads, said K P Mohanan, a local political observer who has closely followed the culture of bloodshed in Kannur. Though murders have been an ongoing process, incidents such as the attack on CPM district secretary P Jayarajan on August 25, 1999 worsened the situation. This ultimately led to the murder of Yuva Morcha leader KT Jayakrishnan on December 1, 1999, and a spate of murders followed, he added. “It is a fact that Kannur shows a tribal character when it comes to murder, and that is why if one person is killed, his political tribe target the rival elsewhere. But, the tragedy is that quite often the poor working-class people coming home after their day’s work are the victims,“ he said. Incidentally, while murders in the past took place in broad daylight, now it is committed at night and this has given rise to the impression that some `third parties’ and quotation gangs ¬ without any political commitment ¬ have replaced the political warriors, claimed residents.

© Vedaprakash


Pinarayee with Madani poster-IHC

[1] Indian Express, Kannur University to host Indian History Congress in December, Published: 24th September 2019


[3] The Hindu, Organising panel formed for history congress, STAFF REPORTER, KANNUR, SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 02:01 IST, UPDATED: SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 02:01 IST.


[5] Indian Express, MV Jayarajan’s comment on face veil courts controversy, Published: 19th May 2019 03:34 AM | Last Updated: 19th May 2019 03:34 AM


[7] The Hindu, Jayarajan’s remark triggers row, SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTKANNUR , MAY 18, 2019 18:38 IST, UPDATED: MAY 18, 2019 18:38 IST.


[9] Business Standard, Five held in connection with IUML worker’s killing, Press Trust of India | Malappuram , Last Updated at October 25, 2019 20:35 IST


[11] Economic Times, Politics of violence: Kannur witnessed 186 Murders, TNN, Updated: Mar 08, 2017, 01.05 PM IST


The 80th session of Indian History Congress held at Kannur University – Highly politicized and spoiled show [1]

January 1, 2020

The 80th session of Indian History Congress held at Kannur University – Highly politicized and spoiled show [1]

Kannur university hosted IHC

Delegate fees, accommodation etc: The 80th session of Indian History Congress was held at the Kannur University Campus. On 27th itself, many delegates, evidently from long distance, from northern states started arriving by various trains.  For varied reasons, there was a delay at every point and slowly, the registration went on and then, they were accommodated at different lodges and hotels situated near and as well as 30 to 40 kms away from the Kannur University campus. Rs 3500/- was charged and many felt, it was excessive. The kit was not given, as they were not ready. Moreover, the accommodation given was not satisfactory. It is evident that they were impartial in allotting accommodation to delegates and thus tried to confuse with fee structure and other conditions as follows. This is mentioned because the circulars of the IHC had threatened the delegates with different circulars. One read as follows[1]: “IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS REGARDING LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS”:

  1. Last date for receipt of Delegate Fee: The last date for the receipt of delegate fee (Rs 3,500) is 1 st December, 2019 by DD, and 20/12/2019 by online payment. Delegates are requested not to delay payments of delegate fee beyond the last date because accommodation will be arranged on the basis of the delegate fees already received. If any delegate, despite this plea, arrives at the venue without payment of delegate fee in time, he or she will have to find accommodation on his or her own, while paying us Rs. 1500/- for the kit and meals. Alternatively, the member can pay Rs.5000/- as delayed delegate fee, provided we can find accommodation, without guaranteeing it[2].
  2. Delegate Fee Remittance: Delegate fee of Rs. 3500/- can be paid via the online registration cum payment link (credit card, debit card, RTGS, NEFT, Paytm) or by Demand Draft. If any delegate would prefer to make his or her own arrangements for accommodation, and only requires the kit and the food facilities, the payment will be Rs. 1500/-, as stated above.
  3. All payments must be in the name of “Local Treasurer” payable at SBI, Fort Road Branch, Kannur-1, if you are paying by Demand Draft; you can fill the online form and insert your Demand Draft details, and send the DD to the address given below with your membership no., full name, and other details. Or, you may fill in the form sent with the Local Secretary’s circular and speed-post or courier a copy of it with your Demand Draft to “Dr P. Mohandas, Local Secretary, 80th Session, Indian History Congress Organizing Committee, HRDC Buildings, Kannur University Campus, Kannur 670002 – KERALA.”
  4. Please do not forget to mention your name, mobile number, and membership number at the back of the DD. The Local Secretary will NOT accept cheque payments of any kind, including multi-city cheques. We also strongly recommend the online payment option.
  5. The confirmation of the payment of the delegate fee must reach the Local Secretary not later than 28 November 2019.
  6. Reception: The Reception Desk in the Kannur University campus, Thavakkara, Kannur, Kerala, will be active from the morning of 27th December, 2019, to 28th December afternoon. The Help Desk at Kannur Railway Station and Kannur Airport will be active from December 27th morning to 28th afternoon. While transport will not be provided to the University, the volunteers will be at the Station and Airport to help arrange for transport.

All these show that how they have been very meticulous in collecting money from the delegates, but, they were not sincere in reciprocating by giving reasonably good accommodation, food etc., as could be known from the subsequent events.

Kannur university hosted IHC-5,000 fees

The academic session, paper presentation etc: On 27th, after registration done from morning, the kit was not given. When the delegates came for dinner by 7 pm, message was sent to all to bring “food token” coming for dinner by 7 pm. Their timing was horrible, perhaps, within a minute all 3000 delegates get their kits and come there with token for food. Naturally, many delegates did not get their kit-bag, as some of them left their fee-receipts in the rooms themselves. Initially, the people at the “Food-tent” were adamant in their attitude by insisting tokens. One person was not agreeing with the on-line registration with accommodation details and other messages received in cell-phone and shown to him. He was so stubborn and posed and as a strict disciplinarian, but, later he was allowing others who did not pay delegate fees also. Coming to paper presentation also, they were not definite about, as no “list of papers” was given in the kit. When the asked on 30th morning, surprisingly, the declared that all copies were exhausted. Really, it is a wonder how thousands of copies could vanish. The fact could be that purposely, they printed fewer copies. Thus, the brought out one[3] “Supplementary paper list.” Then, another “Supplementary list-2” was released[4]. Then, “Final list” was released[5]. So, it is not known, why this confusion and all. It is evident that the person-in-charge of papers received had not done his job properly. Yet, the sectional presidents were harassing the paper presenters without following the

IHC, the kit

The so-called kit: The kit is nothing but a small cloth bag containing a pencil and sharpener with a scribbling pad. Of course a souvenir and a booklet “Sheikh Zainuddin Makhdoom II and Tuhfat ul Mujahideen – A Revisit to a Historical Text: After 437 years” of Dr K.K.N.Kurup. There was a program card about inauguration.

  1. The booklets of addresses sectional presidents,
  2. list of papers,
  3. pen and
  4. other required materials were not found.

Really, it is surprising that for payment of Rs.3500/-, the kit given had been in this way. Moreover, that cloth bag also “complementary” from one “………………….college…………” and Yono by SBI. Therefore, it is not known how this type of kit was conceived and finalized to be distributed to the delegates.

Kannur university hosted IHC, proceeding volume

About the proceeding volumes: Their circular declared, “It is expected that the printed volume of the Proceedings of the 79th session (Barkatullah University, Bhopal) will be ready (both in the form of a printed copy and CD) for free distribution among members such as were on rolls at the 79th session) at the forthcoming (80th ) session at the Kannur University, Kerala”. However, the CD was not given. Old copies of previous proceeding volumes were brought and dumped near registration counter. Actually, many life members are not attending regularly, but, they are not getting their volumes. Earlier, if Rs 20/-. 40/- etc., were sent by M.O, the life members used to get the volumes by Registered book post. Therefore, it is not known, how the volumes are sold, without giving copies to life members.

Kannur university hosted IHC, food not upto the mark

The food provided to the delegates: Though, the organizers asked about “Food” veg or non-veg, it was evident that they did not care about the “veg” food takers. When six or seven tables were with non-veg items, only one table was with veg-food. The veg-food quality was very normal and the items were not prepared properly. The sambar and rasam were not up to the mark. The items were too salty, sour and nor palatable also. As usual, the non-veg historians invaded veg also, looted and the veg-historians had to keep quiet. However, hundreds of historians and delegates were shouting for “Azadi / freedom” for many things. Here, they were contradicting and violating the rights of others. Above all, that “dictator” was worried and particular in asking for token!

Kannur university hosted IHC, office barriers

The attitude of the office barriers, their engaged volunteers etc: Any simple onlooker could notice that the IHC engaged volunteers, that too, young girls had been so indifferent, callous and uninterested with the delegates of aged, coming from different places etc. They made others waiting, or going from counter to counter without any reason. Shockingly, nearly 50 such volunteers were sitting in a row with tables and chairs. The two young ladies were asking the delegates to wait for 10 minutes for every 20 and 30 minutes. They claimed that the registration had to be done online by them. Thus, the delegates were made to stand there for nearly two hours and then they started sending messages through phones. However, one had to wait for another message for confirmation and then for accommodation. The accommodation also was not provided, though, they claimed, it would come as message. After asking a dozen times only, they provided and then again had to wait for vehicle, as the places were 20 to 30 kms away from the university campus.

© Vedaprakash


Kannur university hosted IHC-members etc

[1] Based on the circular issued by IHC that can be downloaded from here to verify –

[2] Note the language used for the delegates coming. When IHC changed venues , the delegates lost thousands of rupees in booking and cancelling tickets. Ironically, if any concession was availed, no refund would be available……

[3] Supplementary list of papers,

[4] Supplementary list -2 of papers,

[5] Final list –